Meet My Son . . .

December 11, 1982 - December 16, 1982
. . . we will forever feel your presence and love you always . . .
On December 11, 1982, I delivered a beautiful 9 pound, 13 ounce baby boy by emergency cesarean section. He was limp and blue but beautiful in every way. He was severely asphyxiated during the birth process, and after 60 hours of life, it was determined that all Mark's brain wave activity had stopped. He was declared clinically brain dead and yet, his heart continued to beat thanks to machinery. We made the decision to stop heroic measures and discontinue life support. On December 16, 1982, two minutes before we were supposed to turn off the machines, Mark went to heaven without our intervention. I think that was a gift from God - to know that while we didn't try to resuscitate him, we also weren't the ones who turned off his life support.
If you can hear the background music, it's John Lennon's "Imagine." John was killed December 8, 1980 - 2 years before Mark was born. This song speaks to me in a special way. Mark's little brother, Chad (born 1/18/89) says that when he gets bored, he uses his imagination to create some fun. If we don't imagine, we don't really live. Mark helps me imagine.
For several years, I've wondered why this had to happen so close to Christmas. Now I wonder if it's because I'll remember Mark's gifts to me more during the season of gifts and giving. Perhaps his legacy wouldn't have been so powerful for me if he had been born and died at some other time. Perhaps it's an undiscovered gift to have had this experience in December. More things to ponder . . .
On Mark Adam's website:
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